Top tips for planning the best kids home party!
A quick checklist of handy tips and suggestions for helping you make your child’s birthday celebration as memorable as can be!
Decide on a convenient date and time for the party.
Decide, with your daughter or son, on the number of party guests to invite.
Based on the number of guests, choose which rooms in the house to use.
For summer parties, consider whether the garden would be an option – also having a backup plan for cold/rainy weather. If you decide to have a garden party on a hot
day, ensure to have the right shelter or garden canopy so the children do not overheat.
Choose a theme for the party. Discuss with your child and take to Pinterest for inspiration!
Decide on whether you will be hiring an entertainer/crafts specialist, or whether you will be organising the games yourself.
Send out the invitations ensuring to include a reasonable RSVP.
Once a party theme has been decided, begin researching and sourcing where to purchase the party-themed props: balloons, banners, table confetti etc.
Research and contact a birthday cake supplier to place an order for the cake,based on the chosen theme.
Begin thinking about food and whether you will be cooking yourself or if you will be getting pizza / a takeaway. Ensure to find out if any of the children
have any special dietary requirements.
Arrange who will be helping out at the party – a family member / a friend.
Confirm with the party entertainer or begin planning the themed party agenda yourself.
If planning yourself, have an itinerary ensuring to schedule what the children will be doing and when – making sure to include a time slot for food. Also, make
a small contingency plan for ‘time-filler’ crafts / activities that party guests can do if they finish the activity quickly or arrive ahead of schedule.
Order items to put in the party bags.
With only three days to go, reflect and make a note on whether there are any other last-minute things to get/organise. Here are some things to do a few days prior to the party:
Prepare music and a party playlist. Ask your child of artists/songs they like. Ensure to check out the latest chart music. Ensure the music is child-friendly– opting for the ‘clean’ song versions.
Decide on what the party girl/boy will wear for the party – if the crafts are quite messy, having an apron would be ideal!
Follow up with unreceived RVSPs (ideally 3 – 7 days before the party).
Once parents have confirmed, create a list of the parents’ names and phone numbers, especially if the parents are not staying and if the party guests are relatively young.
Prepare and wrap up all of the party prizes for any activities.
Fill up the party bags
Ensure you have bought all the food needed.
Have a final check on party props, table coverings, napkins and balloons etc. (don’t forget the candles!).
Make sure the photo camera device is charged up and that there is enough storage space.
Write a to-do list of all the things you will need to do on the day.
They key to having a smooth and organised birthday party is to start early and allow yourself plenty of time to get the decorations in place. Once everything is set up and ready-to-go it’s just a matter of time before the guests start to arrive. If you fail to plan you plan to fail .
Blow up the balloons and put up decorations / organise the table
Pick up the birthday cake if one has been ordered.
Organise your party helpers.
At the right time, prepare the food and drink.
Make sure any pets are in the right place before the guests arrive.
Start the music and welcome the guests.
Don’t for forget to relax and have fun!